Born a Hartz, Born to Love.

  • Living in the Thick of It.

    It all begins

  • Gaining Awareness.


  • Learning Acceptence.

    My abnormal family with the ironic last name ‘Hartz’ helped me to understand my own Heart and to learn radical self-love and acceptance.

My Journey

  • Since a young girl, I always enjoyed being an observer. Taking a step back to notice and learn from what was in front of me. And what I have witnessed was the intergenerational patterns and habituations within my matriarchal household and lineage. I saw the guilt, shame, blame, people-pleasing, psychological manipulation, and all the things come into play and became ingrained into my own psyche.

  • As a student of life, I love to learn, grow, and evolve through my experiences. By following my heart and pursing the embodiment of my practices, I naturally gravitated toward a career in Life Coaching.

    I value building genuine and growth-oriented relationships with everyone I work with. I strive to support my clients as they step into their life more fully and evolve into a "better" version of themselves. This requires doing the work - something I can dance and sometimes wrestle with - and this self-mastery of your destiny is what I can offer you as we begin our time together.

  • Magic is all around you! can’t you see it? My mottos in life are quite simple: own your shit, take responsibility, and it is what it is. I share this candidly to remove the fluff and make it clear.

    The deeper truth is that we are the co-captains of our own fate, and sometimes we can forget this. I am here to help empower you to define things for yourself and live your life for you - perhaps for the first time ever. Trust me - I've been there, and I continue refining and shifting according to my most aligned and divine path. It's messy, beautiful, painful, ecstatic, and more. I want you to know that ALL of you is welcome here - not just the parts you deem "pleasant" or "acceptable." It's a journey of radical self-love, self-acceptance, and self-trust that I take you on because that's the same one I'm on myself.

  • All humans want and deserve to be loved, seen, heard, and safe. Connection and loving relationships are all I truly want. I wanted to be loved so much that I'd pour myself into someone else thinking that was the answer. I would try to fix and heal others at my own expense and disregard for what was waiting to be seen and felt within me. I would be someone's "rock" and take pride in this identity without realizing how much I needed to be my own grounding force first and foremost. This was a hard truth to swallow because I would seek out this high of helping and healing others at my own expense.

  • As a critical thinker and over-analyzer, I started to put two and two together and understand more about myself through my conditioning, triggers, and reactions to situations. I have learned the importance of taking radical responsibility for my own shit and letting go of the narratives and beliefs that truly do not serve. Please know I’m continuously challenged to step into this mindset daily, and I wouldn’t choose to live any other way. Oh, and yes – it is a CHOICE! It’s a practice - an art not a science – and it requires me to show up as my best and re-define my "best" on a daily or even momentary basis while riding out life’s many waves and unexpected tides.

  • My greatest teacher has been the pain within my beautiful heart. I have gone through heartbreak many times in my life, but it took my first love and marriage falling apart to really rip me open and expose what had been unseen and unfelt for far too long. The girl who was so scared to be loved as herself that she would resort to control, manipulation, and "selflessness" to meet her needs. We all develop these protective mechanisms from a young age for various reasons, and you are certainly not alone. I have compassion for her after I started to FEEL rather than THINK about all that has contributed to these patterns in my life. It wasn't just this one relationship that taught me that. This destruction and tower moment became a gateway to shining a light on all my friendships and various relationships up to that point. The truth is that I would choose to abandon myself - time and time again. I would hold it all inside - not speak up or share how I felt because I was so afraid of losing the person in front of me, and so the pattern continued and built on itself in some fun, "new" ways. I am a recovering perfectionist with a harsh inner judge who at times projects her judgment on others and makes up brilliant stories of how others are judging her when it is really me all along. Sound familiar? Well, that's okay either way because the resistance that arises within is an opportunity and a beautiful sign that you're swimming into deeper parts of your purpose and essence.

  • As I bring forward the darker sides of my being, I find that my light can shine more brightly. I have reverence for the process of bringing light to my own darkness for you'd not know one without the other. And my authenticity continues to unfold and develop while shedding and alchemizing the parts of me that no longer serve. I’m able to stand tall and feel into my intuition with more vigor and trust. I'm not going to pretend and say I've figured it all out because that would be a lie and disservice to the higher truth and workings of the universe. At this point, living in uncertainty is what it means to be alive. BUT I will say that I am on my own "way”, and I strive to be in alignment with my soul's evolution each step of the way. Thanks to the power of choice and finding the continued learning opportunities throughout the many depths of my being. This is how I choose to live, and I hope to witness the transformation for you, too.


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